Volunteer Hallween on S. Lime
We are looking for a few good family friendly haunters to help with set up, break down, and during the event on October 30 and 31 from 5 PM to 11 PM. We ask that all volunteers go through a simple interview and able to pass a background check. Volunteers must be 18 or older, 12 or older with parent or legal guardian, or 14 or older with written parent/ guardian permission. Volunteer training will be provided (TBA). Volunteers’ responsibilities may include setting up attractions, serving as a greeter or game / attraction attendant, providing information, helping maintain equipment and electronics, etc. We estimate we will need four to eight people a night.
Time: All volunteer hours must be scheduled in advance. During set up and breakdown times will be arranged in during interview. We ask all event night volunteer to attend a pre-event training meeting (TBA), and October 30 and 31 to arrive at 5 PM and work until 11 PM. (Event time 7 PM to 10 PM)
For more information call or email 617 823 5081 or enlightenedmonkeyarts@gmail.com
Volunteer deadline: The deadline to volunteer is October 15, 2023.